
表示经常的英语短语 表示经常的英语短语有哪些呢

人气:456 ℃/2022-08-13 06:23:41

1、“经常”常用的表达为:often; frequently; regularly; day-to-day。

2、“经常”还可以用英语表达为:everyday;half the time;often and often;at every turn;semper;evermore;regularity;oft-times;most an end。

3、双语例句:(1)他经常上图书馆去。He often goes to the library.(2)这类问题是经常发生的。This kind of problem frequently crops up.(3)我掌握了大量关于这类事的最新信息,因为我经常收听新闻。I am very up to date on this sort of thing because I listen to the news.

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